Saturday, March 28, 2020

Questions to teachers in a school

HOW questions

There are few HOW related questions that every teacher wish to here from every stakeholders - Parents, Principals and Students.

But generally it is not being asked often.

From these questioning, a teacher can assess her living environment so well.

What are those questions?

Important task of a teacher is to answer always apart from teaching.

How do you feel in school ?
How do you wish to learn ?
How do you wish to be treated ?

Communication is the key to a teacher. 
Teaching itself a dialogue than a process. It needs questions and answers.

Ask and ask more and more questions to your child's teacher to know more about your child.

First and foremost, every parent should ask their child’s teacher 

How they plan on assessing their classwork, their homework and their tests this year?


This is a question that not only parents want to know, but every student as well. 

After all, every teacher has a different schedule and even a different opinion when it comes to homework.

Some parents prefer not to assign it at all, while others think that a little reassessment at home doesn’t hurt. 

And then there are other teachers who don’t give homework but expect their students to study every night or at least a few nights before a major test.

Therefore asking these kind of questions and it's answer may help parents to help their children in helping in completing the homework. Therefore it is important to ask.

How can my child improve in academics?

So many parents know, no child is perfect, especially when it comes to their academics. 

For some kids, school can be a breeze, while for others it can be a downright struggle. 

For other kids they might be doing very well in most of their subjects but falling behind in something important like mathematics and in cases Science too.

This question makes every teacher to feel good and worth.

How can I support you dear teacher?

These are five little words that many teachers don’t hear but definitely want to hear more often: how can I support you.

This is like received life time Achievement award. Teaching is not an easy job, regardless if you are at a public school, a private school. 

You basically have the world’s future in your hands, times how many kids you have in your classroom.

Teachers want to get their work done right because they know it’s up to them to produce the best that society can offer. 

So any help that parents can provide is more than just greatly appreciated.

Another important question which every teacher like is that:

How can I contact you dear teacher?

As mentioned above, communication is key. You want to ask your child’s teacher what is the best way that you can contact them from the first day of school.

Another good question a teacher like to hear from parent is, 

How can I teach my child in my home as you do in classroom?

Teach me the technique you adopt, I do it in my home. Because my child loves your method of handling my child. Some teachers prefer e-mail. Others don’t mind phone calls, while some do things the old-fashioned way with a handwritten note that you can stick in your child’s folder. Either way, the door should be open for you.

Another question is 
How and what can I ask my child

Teachers know better than anyone about what and how to be questioned a child.

Parents too wanted to adopt the same way to get best out of the child.

Therefore Parents should ask teachers questions of this kind for the fruitful growth.c

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