Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Child Abuse

According to international law, a child means every human being below the age of 18 years . This is a universally accepted definition of a child and comes from the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the child (UNCRC), an international legal instrument accepted and ratified by most of the countries.
Child abuse can be physical (such as hitting a child), or emotional (such as saying things that really hurt a child's feelings). Any form of abuse can be psychologically damaging to a child.
Under the law, allowing your child to see the abuse of someone they have a personal relationship with also counts as an abuse, for example if a child sees their father hit their mother.
Child abuse also include sexual abuse, neglect (I.e failing to provide food, clothing and shelter etc)
According to psychologist, a child is a person, not a sub person, and the parents have right and responsibility to take care of them. As a child ( minor), by law, children do not have autonomy or the right to make decisions on their own for themselves in any known jurisdiction of the world.
The growing complexities and challenges of life coupled with changes in the socio - economic conditions, of people have played a major role in increasing the vulnerability of children to various forms of abuse.
Child abuse is a violation of the basic human rights of a child.
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), "Child abuse or maltreatment constitutes all forms of physical and /or emotional ill - treatment, sexual abuse, neglect or negligence treatment or commercial or other exploitation, resulting in actual or potential harm to the child's health, survival, development or dignity in the context of a relationship of responsibility, trust or power.
Some of the signs of child abuse are :
* A child informing you that they are being abused or neglected.
* A child exhibiting seriously inappropriate behavior.
* A pattern of injuries that the child is not willing to talk about.
* The child appears distressed or depressed without obvious reasons.
* The child seems afraid of their parents or caregiver /caretakers

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Are you happy with your life 2

Part II
With the exciting tools, techniques, and strategies that we will share with you in this blog, you will find out how to powerfully propel your life forwards in a wonderful new direction, so you can achieve your life's biggest dreams, and become the person you always wanted to be, there are seven Powerful Steps to be followed.
These steps can help you to get whatever you want from life as quickly and easily as possible.  You will also find background material supporting each of the steps. This will give you a better understanding of why they work, and how to use them most effectively. You will also come across six “magnifiers” that can significantly speed up all your results.
In the main steps of the system, you will learn: How to use brainstorming sessions to discover what you really want from life, if you are not already clear.
How to combine and condense your goals, so that they become highly charged and far more powerful.
How to regroup your goals with time limits, so that they are achieved
more easily.
How to convert condensed goals into powerful affirmations, that program your subconscious mind to bring you what you want.
And how to combine affirmations with cutting-edge technology, so you can speed up the achievement of your goals.
Simple techniques to create highly focussed action plans, that you can use to move towards your goals more quickly.
Powerful high performance techniques to free up your time, give you more energy and focus while reducing stress, so that you can progress all your goals more easily. How to finally root out and overcome self-limiting beliefs and conditioning that have been sabotaging your success for many years.
In the background content you will: Learn how your beliefs have been created, and how the conditioning you have received throughout your life may be currently stopping you from achieving your goals, and what you can do about it. See how your self-worth limits your earning potential, and you will discover the only truly effective way to increase your income.
We can Learn why setting goals is vital to our long-term success and happiness, and how to uncover our deep motivations, so we can achieve all our goals a lot more easily.
See how our dominant thoughts, beliefs, and emotions actually create our life experiences, and the scientific studies that validate this. Discover how our subconscious mind works, and how it controls our life and what we experience, so that we can start using it to create what we want. Find out about cutting-edge technologies that can help us to reprogram our  mind, so that we can  overcome any negative thinking that may be currently stopping us from achieving our goals.

Sunday, January 20, 2019

Vision for schools

My vision for My School focuses on three main areas:
Each student succeeding:  A major part of our work will focus on making sure each student succeeds.  Our curriculum, instructional practices, and intervention programs are all designed to enhance student success.  The commitment of our staff to support each student is central to their achievement.
Each student connecting:  Teacher relationships with students, co-curricular activities, student celebrations,  the Student Assistance Program, the Student Success Team, our Counselor, and Outreach Consultant are essential to ensure that each student is connected with our school.  I believe that the more students connect with the adults in our school, the greater likelihood of their success.
All staff working together in a Professional Learning Community:  Teachers working together to promote their professional learning is crucial in supporting student achievement.  Our Professional Learning Community is characterized by a shared mission, vision, and values; collective inquiry, collaborative teams, action orientation and experimentation; results orientation; and continuous improvement.
Your child is a very special individual who needs a happy, secure and challenging environment in which to grow.  A child’s natural curiosity to explore his/her world gives teachers the basis on which to build learning experiences that will provide a solid foundation for the early years of schooling. Primary School recognises the importance of these early years of schooling.  For parents, it is vital that your child receives an excellent start to schooling in a friendly, caring and family atmosphere. Primary School provides this environment - our motto is - We aim to meet the challenge of specific educational outcome goals for students as well as developing creative, resilient, independent, flexible and socially adept young people.
Our belief in providing your child with a broad and practical learning experience has resulted in an engaging, comprehensive curriculum incorporating:
-  A strong emphasis on Numeracy and Literacy
-  Thinking skills from Prep – Grade 6
-  A sustainable environment program
-  Multimedia and computer skills development
-  Active Physical Education and interschool sports program
-   from Prep – Grade 6
-  Exposure across all areas of The Arts
In addition, a marvelous buddy program is in place. Students participate in many extra-curricular activities and can elect to participate in the Active After School Program.
We believe each child receives the care, attention and opportunities which will help them learn, broaden their experiences and develop the self-confidence they need to grow into successful young adults in the twenty first century.
Primary School provides an inclusive education for children with specific needs.
Primary School values students’ views and incorporates them into planning related to school environment, organisation and practice.  We actively provide student leadership opportunities which encourage students to:
o   Accept roles of responsibility with integrity and honesty
o   Foster a sense of vision and purpose
o   Work collectively with, and lead, others
o   Take on responsibilities and use decision making skills
o   Earn the respect of others through their actions

Saturday, January 19, 2019


Vocabulary plays a fundamental role in the reading process and is critical to reading comprehension. A reader cannot understand a text without knowing what most of the words mean. Students learn the meanings of most words indirectly, through everyday experiences with oral and written language. Other words are learned through carefully designed instruction.
Vocabulary refers to the words we must understand to communicate effectively. Educators often consider four types of vocabulary: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Listening vocabulary refers to the words we need to know to understand what we hear. Speaking vocabulary consists of the words we use when we speak. Reading vocabulary refers to the words we need to know to understand what we read. Writing vocabulary consists of the words we use in writing.
Vocabulary plays an important part in learning to read. Beginning readers must use the words they hear orally to make sense of the words they see in print. Kids who hear more words spoken at home learn more words and enter school with better vocabularies. This larger vocabulary pays off exponentially as a child progresses through school.
Consider, for example, what happens when a beginning reader comes to the word dig in a book. As she begins to figure out the sounds represented by the letters d, i, g, the reader recognizes that the sounds make up a very familiar word that she has heard and said many times. It is harder for a beginning reader to figure out words that are not already part of their speaking (oral) vocabulary.
Vocabulary is key to reading comprehension. Readers cannot understand what they are reading without knowing what most of the words mean. As children learn to read more advanced texts, they must learn the meaning of new words that are not part of their oral vocabulary.

Is beauty and love - a state of being

I discovered beauty as a state of being informed as much as inspired. It is a spiritual calling. It satisfies both my mind's thirst for knowledge and my spirit's hunger for the divine..Beauty lies in the eyes of the the beholder. Beauty is defined differently from person to person... Few find in one's smile  eyes, skin tone, money  position, education, way of talking, attitude etc...
Psychologyist blends his personal might, poetry and experience with practical knowledge of psychology and spiritual practice. But for me beauty lies in the character (moral qualities )of a person.
Love is not an emotion... When love is in a state of decay, we can actually experience unhappiness and still be rooted in love. We can feel love amidst other emotions  Love is the background on which all other emotional scenes
"True beauty in a woman is reflected in her soul " I believe anyone can be beautiful with confidence  a positive attitude  and a loving heart  An ugly personality or attitude will show through any physical features no matter  how beautiful one is from the exterior
This blog is for anyone seeking to understand spirituality while attending to the mind that often sabotage our higher interest  

Mind mapping

Mind mapping is a wonderful tool to present to various levels of language learners. It can be used in many different ways, but especially in the realm of writing. It helps students begin a writing task, takes brainstorming to a new level, and actively involves students in creating a road map for their thoughts. So what exactly is a mind map? It is best explained using an example and comparing it to regular brainstorming. Mind mapping visually looks like a map of sorts. Instead of a linear model for brainstorming—or just making a list—this allows students to spread out and move around on the page. It starts with a topic in the middle, and then proceeds with keywords that branch off the main topic idea. Sub topics can then be branched off into subtopics until the page is covered with keyword ideas related to the main idea. Students can use pen and paper to draw their mind maps, and you can give examples on the board. You can start out with a simple writing assignment or bigger tasks like an essay, depending on the level and your class needs. Begin with a topic, for ex- ample: My wedding day. Students start with the main topic in the middle and begin brainstorming. It could look something like this:
The students can determine what their main idea is from the beginning or they can also use a mind map to brainstorm a main idea. This works well if you give them a vague sub- ject like, write about the happiest day of your life. They could brainstorm the top three ideas and then choose what their main topic will be. Here we have a clearly set topic, the wed- ding day. Once they have the central idea, they can list out keyword ideas on branches from the main idea. They can also add more detail to the supporting ideas by branching off the supporting ideas. So under “Ceremony” there could be another five bubbles each with a different sub-topic, like vows, parents, music, rings, etc. Students can use different colors and shapes to signify main ideas, supporting ideas, and sub-topics. This technique allows them to open up the possibilities, and there is no one right way to devise a mind map.

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Stress Management Tips for Students

Stress Management Tips for Students
Today’s educational challenges and the parents’ expectations from their children have made most students to experience a kind of stress.
The kind of friends made among themselves also pressurize to fulfill the demands kept among themselves, which in turn create stress.
The workload and deadline to complete the work is also the reason for stress.
Some students have stress to compete with other team members  to keep up the status quo.
The kind of food habits and the unhealthy lifestyle cultivated are the major reasons for experiencing stress easily than the grownups.
In a long run, over a period of time, stress leads to depression and anxiety.  Thus, it is very important to deal stress in initial stages.
Family plays a very important role in identifying and talking to their wards.  It is the duty of the parents to take their ward into confidence and tackle the issue very cleverly. So that children will be in a position to tackle any kind of situation without experiencing stress.
One can categorize three kinds of common stress experienced by students.
1. Social stress
Dealing with new relationships, balancing academic life with social life, living with or without family members, adjusting to the new environment, all trigger stress in students.
2. Academic
Strict schedules, deadlines, low grades, challenging classes, exams, responsibilities, and poor time management all lead to a buildup of academic stress.
3. Daily life.
This stress is associated with family issues, financial strains and so on.
Practical stress management can help students deal with their worries and become more productive, competent and efficient.
How to co-op with stress
1.  Regular Meditation energize the mind and helps to increase the concentration level. Yoga helps in proper flow of oxygenated blood to all parts of the body and helps in proper functioning of the system.  Healthy food habits keep the mental balance and growth and also provide required nutrients to the body.
Indulging in sports activities help to ease out the frustrations and think broadly. It also help to deal any task sportively not worrying of the results.
2. Dealing the task one by one. This helps in concentrating on the work in hand and complete it efficiently.
For example: reading various subjects. Everyone knows that students have to study different subjects and score well in all. If time slot is alloted for specific subjects and complete reading in the time framework without thinking of other subjects helps to learn quickly and boost the confidence level.
3. Have a healthy relation with the peers, parents and siblings. This is very important to avoid stress.  One will be confident to seek advice from any of them and also do not hesitate to confide the situation with them.
4. Drinking lot of water burns out the toxic present in our system and avoid many complications that lead to stress .  A glass of warm water early morning in empty stomach. A glass of warm water half an hour before and after food is a must. This reduces anger, irritation and restlessness.
5. Early to bed and early to raise.  Fixing time schedule for day to day activities and follow the same as regularly as possible.Sometimes due to social engagements , one cannot follow the time schedule strictly. Then balancing the activities is essential. During studies, mind relaxation is very essential to internalize what is learnt and boost the energy to continue and complete the task.

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Role of teachers in educating children against cyber bullying.

Role of teachers in educating children against cyber bullying.
According to the National Center for Education Statistics, one out of five students is being bullied in school and in the community.
Only 36% of these children reported bullying. Bullying has gone digital . “Cyber bullying” a form of bullying aiming to hurt or harass or embarrass someone by using electronic gadgets like cellular phones , laptops , computers and tablets. It is also referred as online bullying. .
Cyber bullying is the unacceptable face of new technology. In the present scenario where technology is at buoyant right from a kid as young as 6yrs old to college goers almost all rely on technology to do their assignments. We as educators can shoulder the responsibility to educate our students about the safe usage of technology.
As educators we always educate our kids by saying-“ Treat your online passwords like your toothbrush , don’t share them with anyone , not even your best friend and change them regularly”.
What does it look like?
1. Sending hurtful text , messages to someone, passing comments, stolen password.
2. Publicizing photos , videos without permission.
3. Spreading rumors via email, text messages .
4. Creating fake profiles.
5. Interactive gaming.
6. Internet polling.
Effects of cyber bullying:
The cyber bullied kids experience anxiety, fear, depression, and low self-esteem. They feel disinterest in school and in normal activities. At times they isolate themselves and have a suicidal tendency.
Few ways to check:
1. We need to educate our pupils about cyber bullying through informative workshops, short educational films.
2. School authority teamed with teachers can conduct discussions, webinars, talks with parents in order to sensitize.
3. Students should be educated about the ethical and unethical usage of technology.
4. It is through empathy, teachers can grip and tame the weak and vulnerable students as well as also help the students who are being bullied.
5. A clear message should be made understood to the students that “cyber bullying is non negotiable”.
6. Consequences of cyber bullying should be communicated to the students.
7. Students should be made aware about the anti cyber law for schools and colleges.
Internet has provided a wide array of learning opportunities. In this dynamic environment it is important for individuals to understand how to protect against cyber threats .Since bullying through internet and mobile phones cannot really be stopped then the next best way to deal with it, is to make children immune to it. Children should be taught to avoid it and go on with their lives. They should be taught how to prevent bullies from using them as victims.