Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Self - improvisation

One of the mindset shift is to focus on improving yourself.
Many believe that focusing on improving yourself, rather than external things such as your job or your bank balance, will lead you to greater success. Strategies for self-improvement can be incredibly simple: eating more nutritious food, going to the gym, and getting enough sleep are all extremely effective. However, a proven strategy to improve your life that is backed up by a huge number of experts and various studies is the practice of meditation and mindfulness.
 Meditation is an extremely effective self-improvement method, and it can enrich your whole life. It has been known to reduce anxiety and has been used for millennia by a myriad as different civilizations, as most spiritual and religious groups have meditation as a way to connect with and centre yourself.
 Meditation improves your cardio vascular fitness, encourages your body to more quickly recover from illness and injury, and has countless other health benefits.
World-renowned neuroscientist Richie Davidson (Wolkin, 2015) has shown through his research that practicing meditation can actually change the structure of your brain. Scientists have discovered increased grey matter in the prefrontal cortex of those who meditate. This part of the brain is in charge of executive function, i.e. planning, and it is easy to see how development in this area of your brain will help you be more successful.  Likewise, practicing mindfulness and meditation will allow you to focus more on the present, which will stop you putting things off until tomorrow. Some believe that if there is one thing that you are going to pursue to improve yourself, then meditation is the thing.
 As well as this vitally important strategy for self-improvement, Learning Mind (Guest, 2015) suggests some simple strategies for improving yourself than can lead to greater success in any area of your life. One of these is to start your morning in a way that is fresh and lively, by eating a nutritious breakfast and where possible exercising. This is something that Tony Robbins (Meier, 2015) also recommends when he suggests people commit to ‘an hour of power’ (of fifteen minutes to fulfillment or thirty minutes to thrive) in the morning. This will keep you juiced and productive for the rest of the day. The second recommendation by learning mind is to ensure you take some free time no matter how busy you are, or how tight your deadlines are. This will help you to recharge your batteries for your next workday...

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