Tuesday, December 18, 2018


The key to the success is to know what you want and to know how to attain it. Success also does not come through hard to master skills or esoteric knowledge, but through getting the basics right and following through again and again.
Napoleon Hill’s (2004) Think and Grow Rich makes this clear. Hill spent a long time researching the most successful men to write about their methods in his book.  He writes that "wishing will not bring riches." Most of us know that is correct, of course. However, he goes on to state that "desiring riches with a state of mind that becomes an obsession, then planning definite ways and means to acquire riches, and backing those plans with persistence which does not recognize failure, will bring riches." Obviously you can substitute this for whatever your goal is, as long as you are clear and definite about what you want. Then, Hill writes that you should plan what you are going to give back for whatever you receive, as he believes there is no such thing as something for nothing.
Then, you should establish a timeframe, and determine at exactly what date you will reach your goal, as targets need to be smart and time oriented.Next should follow a plan of action, and you should immediately take action towards you goal. The next thing you should do is to write this down. Write a clear, concise description of the previous steps that you can use to remind yourself of the pledge you have made. After this, you must read what you have written aloud, twice a day, before bed and after you wake up. As you read, visualize yourself having met your goal.
This shows us that the most important thing about our quest for success are our emotions and our mindset. It is these things that cause us to be successful, or prevent us realizing what we can be. This is absolutely key. Success is not just about what you do. It is about what you think. This is why these key mindset shifts can be so powerful and effective

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