Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Role of teachers in educating children against cyber bullying.

Role of teachers in educating children against cyber bullying.
According to the National Center for Education Statistics, one out of five students is being bullied in school and in the community.
Only 36% of these children reported bullying. Bullying has gone digital . “Cyber bullying” a form of bullying aiming to hurt or harass or embarrass someone by using electronic gadgets like cellular phones , laptops , computers and tablets. It is also referred as online bullying. .
Cyber bullying is the unacceptable face of new technology. In the present scenario where technology is at buoyant right from a kid as young as 6yrs old to college goers almost all rely on technology to do their assignments. We as educators can shoulder the responsibility to educate our students about the safe usage of technology.
As educators we always educate our kids by saying-“ Treat your online passwords like your toothbrush , don’t share them with anyone , not even your best friend and change them regularly”.
What does it look like?
1. Sending hurtful text , messages to someone, passing comments, stolen password.
2. Publicizing photos , videos without permission.
3. Spreading rumors via email, text messages .
4. Creating fake profiles.
5. Interactive gaming.
6. Internet polling.
Effects of cyber bullying:
The cyber bullied kids experience anxiety, fear, depression, and low self-esteem. They feel disinterest in school and in normal activities. At times they isolate themselves and have a suicidal tendency.
Few ways to check:
1. We need to educate our pupils about cyber bullying through informative workshops, short educational films.
2. School authority teamed with teachers can conduct discussions, webinars, talks with parents in order to sensitize.
3. Students should be educated about the ethical and unethical usage of technology.
4. It is through empathy, teachers can grip and tame the weak and vulnerable students as well as also help the students who are being bullied.
5. A clear message should be made understood to the students that “cyber bullying is non negotiable”.
6. Consequences of cyber bullying should be communicated to the students.
7. Students should be made aware about the anti cyber law for schools and colleges.
Internet has provided a wide array of learning opportunities. In this dynamic environment it is important for individuals to understand how to protect against cyber threats .Since bullying through internet and mobile phones cannot really be stopped then the next best way to deal with it, is to make children immune to it. Children should be taught to avoid it and go on with their lives. They should be taught how to prevent bullies from using them as victims.

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